The Negative Effects of Computer Use on Eye Health and Vision

How does an image reflect inside our eye?

The principle of creating an image inside of an eye is similar to how a digital camera works. The beam of light enters the eye and refracts as it hits the cornea. After that, lenses tend to accommodate which adjusts the focus onto the retina. Inside of the retina, you can find special photoreceptors that stimulate photons which are then converted into electrical impulses. And finally, these impulses are sent to the brain which perceives them in a form of a picture.

Vision issues


The problem lies in the fatigue of the muscles which are responsible for the shape change of lenses. They get overtaxed due to a long-term focus on close flashing objects such as monitor screens. If these muscles don’t relax they can become over strung. They will ultimately get filled with lactic acid which manifests as eye pain. A simple solution is the occasional change of focus by looking into the distance in order to change the position of the muscle and encourage it to recover. By doing this the muscle gets filled with fresh blood rich with oxygen which decreases the level of lactic acid.

Eyes are one of the most versatile organs and if we provide them with enough rest they will recover much easier.

Spending a lot of time in front of the computer has consequences. It makes the eye unable to accommodate quickly and decrease the muscle tension. One of the reasons is the unnatural eye position and the loss of its perspective. It is natural for a human eye to wander with perspectives and change focuses between near and distant objects. Every computer screen is located on a relatively close distance from the eyes and that is the reason why it quickly losses a habit for focusing on objects at greater distances. This is an immediate sign that the eye lens lost their elasticity.

The problem lies in the fact that these movements are extremely frequent and short because the focus points are either on a monitor or on a keyboard. In normal situations the eye slowly moves every second for about 50 to 60 times with constant focus point changes. These subtle movements are necessary for a clearer vision. This way the eye is reducing the tension of the entire visual system. During intellectual work and deep concentration the eye loses its habit to focus on real objects.

Prevention measures

The computer screen needs to fulfill some size standards in order to provide a much clearer picture. The recommended screen size should be at least 15”, although 17” is preferred and 18” – 21” should be ideal.

Match the colors of your desktop with the color of the monitor

The color of the monitor case is also essential. Most monitors are gray which is not in harmony with today’s colorful software. Make sure that your background is not lighter that the color of the monitor case. A simple solution is to find a monitor with dark-colored plastic or you can use lighter colored backgrounds and preserve your eye health.

Adjusting brightness and contrast

Eye problems are also caused by forcing your eyes with blurred screens and too much brightness. Blurry pictures can cause increased eye strain and cause greater eye damage. In order to create a reasonable (harmless) extent of brightness, you should make some display adjustments.

Everything comes down to adjusting the color calibration, contrast and brightness. This can be done by changing the display settings on your computer and setting everything according to your vision. If you don’t know how to do this you can ask for professional help from anyone that has more experience with these adjustments.

The most common consequences that occur after the prolonged use of computer is the dryness of the eye which can cause irritation. If the problem is untreated it can lead to infections and laser eye surgery. Dryness occurs because of the reduced frequency of blinking. This is common among people who concentrate too much on the computer screen. A solution to this problem is taking frequent breaks and allows the eyes to rest. You can also regulate the humidity of the room by setting it around 50% and the room temperature from 18-24̊ in summer time and 20-26̊ in winter.

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