A person requires dentures due to tooth decay. He is required to visit the dentist for their installation. However, there are a few rules surrounding them that one needs to follow both before and after the installation to boost the resistance and endurance of them. Tooth decay poses greater threat to people than what meets the eye. Tooth cavity is likely to develop into larger problems, ultimately leading to bigger expense. Hence, it is imperative to address the tooth-related problems on time, and replace the decayed tooth with dentures if required.
The thought of installing them, however, can give an you sleepless nights, considering the rules you have to adhere to before, during and after the installation. Doctors are met with a lot of questions from whoever will potentially require them, how to choose the best type, their cost and maintenance, and other necessary details.
Here, we have put together a few frequently asked questions and have tried to provide information that may be helpful for you.
What are the different types available?
Dentures are of two types- one that replaces only one tooth and another that replaces all the teeth. The latter is known as a complete denture that is made to sit on dental implants canvassing the gums and the jawbones. The ones that replace only one or some of the teeth are known as a partial denture. These are attached right over the teeth that are still present, while covering the others areas of the gums where teeth are missing. Dental implants may also be required in the case of partial ones to restore their retention and stability.
How much they are likely to cost?
The cost may vary in terms of the requirement. There are many factors that are considered while determining their cost, including material, size, coverage, etc. Furthermore, there are different payment terms associated with different businesses, so it also matters which dentist you are visiting.
What is the post installation care like?
It is not a huge task to maintain your dentures after having them installed, but if you are seeking to have them painted in the right of your original teeth, you are likely to end up disappointed, because they can, in no way, be painted to look as same as original teeth because they are made of plastic. When it comes to brushing them, dentists typically suggest people to use soft bristled brushes to protect them from harm.
You are also urged to use non-abrasive toothpaste and moisten the brush well with it before the application. On top of that, you are required to go gentle on the teeth when you are brushing them, so that they don’t suffer damage due to abrasion. You are also not supposed to bleach them unless your dentist suggests it and performs procedure in their own clinic. It is important to visit your dentist for instructions if there is dire need to bleach your denture, in which case household bleach can be used.
Can I repair my broken dentures at home?
Ideally you should not try to mend your broken denture at home. You must seek professional help to fix your them if those are accidentally broken. If you attempt to repair your broken denture at home, you are more likely to end up bleeding your gum, thereby facing a prospect of infection. If it is broken, take it to your dental expert and let them know. Depending on the severity of the damage, they may either repair them, or decide to replace them with new ones.
Eating and sleeping normally with your dentures is absolutely possible. You only require maintaining proper oral hygiene while using them.