With the gift of parenthood, comes the simple joy of holding your baby in your arms, along with a lifetime of responsibilities. Parenthood is an experience that cannot be explained in a few words. As parents to a newborn, it is normal to feel overwhelmed once your baby arrives.
During your pregnancy, you might spend many nights, worrying about your baby’s health. On the other hand, once your baby arrives, you will spend sleepless nights caring for it. So, what are the things that you must know before? Let us find out in the points below.
Quick Guide to Take Care of Your Newborn Baby
It is necessary to make some preparations and purchases before the birth of your baby. Making these preparations early will ensure that the upcoming days will be smoother and less hectic once your child is here. See below for a quick little guide that will help you get ready to take care of your baby.
For Bedtime
A baby’s bedtime is when you, as a parent, also get the much-needed rest. So ensure that you and your child both get some quality sleep by preparing for the following items:
- If you are using a crib, then you must get a crib mattress.
- You can also get a sleep sack while using a crib.
- At least a pair of crib sheets will be needed to change and wash the sheets regularly.
- At least one pair of crib-sized blankets are required for alternatively washing and using as and when required.
- A pair of waterproof mattress covers are required for accidental leakages.
- If your baby is sleeping in your bed with you, also buy some small-sized waterproof covers.
- A mosquito net should always be there regardless if you are using a crib or a big bed. It will help the baby have an uninterrupted sleep without any disturbance from bugs and mosquitoes.
During Meals
Whether you are breastfeeding or using baby formula and eventually solid food, there are a few indispensable things to take care of while feeding a baby.
- Breast pump and milk storage container to store the breast milk.
- Nursing pillows and nursing bras for the ease of breastfeeding.
- Burp cloth and a hefty amount of bibs to keep the baby clean at all times.
- Ensure that the formula powder has not expired and has healthy ingredients.
- A feeding bottle is always a necessity for a household that has a small baby.
Baby Diapers and Other Essentials
Baby diapers are a necessity, be it disposable or non-disposable. A baby will use an average of 2500 diapers in his/her first year. Along with diapers, there are some essential items that you need to store before your baby arrives.
- You can use reusable cloth diapers for being environment-friendly, or you can store dozens of disposable diapers as well. Do not store a lot of diapers at once as your baby might grow quicker than you expect them to and will need bigger diapers.
- Velcros, safety pins, and snaps are indispensable while securing your baby’s diaper in place.
- Changing pads and biodegradable baby wipes are also a necessity during the initial months of your baby.
- Baby Oils and moisturizing lotions to prevent rashes.
For Bathtime
For most babies, bathing time is the most fun time of the day as they get to play with water and splash around. Make your baby’s bathing time more enjoyable with these necessary supplies:
- An infant-sized tub custom made for your baby.
- Baby soaps, shampoos, cleansers, and oils are the toiletries that a baby needs.
- A soft-bristled hair comb or brush.
- A dozen washcloths to dry up the baby and their bottom after shower.
Bottom Line
Chances are that you are in your third trimester while you are reading this article. For your convenience, make sure to follow all the basic steps and preparations before the baby’s arrival. Having a baby is a life-changing experience for you so the more prepared you are, the more time you will get to bond with your baby!
- https://www.parents.com/baby/care/american-baby-how-tos/basic-baby-skills-youll-master-the-first-month/
- https://www.todaysparent.com/checklists/newborn-checklist/
- https://www.unicef.org/parenting/child-development/baby-tips
- https://www.babycenter.com/pregnancy/your-body/the-ultimate-pregnancy-to-do-list-third-trimester_10341209