It’s during adolescence that people discover that they need to look beautiful. This brings to their mind when puberty begins and their body changes. Both girls and boys want to be noticed that they are no longer small children hence start enhancing their beauty. Unfortunately, they just use makeup out of their knowledge in thinking that it will make them more beautiful than anyone else. 11 major trends are discussed deeply below that can help teens to look unique and beautiful. Looking beautiful is one of the priorities youths have and thus they must maintain the beauty on a daily basis.teen beauty trends
The following are 11 best beauty trends every teen must know about
- Overdrawn lips: This is for the teenage girls to help make their thin lips look big. Seek assistance from a beautician to help you do it perfectly if you doubt yourself. This helps your lips to become proportional to the rest of your body such that they won’t create much attention. In case you already have big lips, just use nude lip balm which will make your lips more beautiful. If you want to have plump lips, you should use the best cleanser to clear makeup at night before you retire to sleep. Sleeping with lipstick on can be detrimental to your mouth.
- The side shave: This involves both teenage boys and girls who have been shaving the side of their scalps leaving part of the long hair. You are supposed to curl your hair, and then tuck one side behind your ear. This will give you a gorgeous look and make your hair relax and look adorable. This is the new hair style that as a teen you need to adopt and leave aside the side shaves because they seem outdated.
- Natural contouring: It helps shape your cheekbones to perfection to give you an attractive look. The trick with natural contouring is that all you need to do is play around with makeup, and no one will realize. If you can’t do it perfectly, you should seek the help of a professional beautician. Even though you will part with some cash, it’s worth it instead of messing up your skin with excess makeup.
- Insanely long extensions: As a teen, you need to go natural by maintaining short hair. Avoid the long extensions since they are difficult to maintain as compared to short hair. Make sure that the short hair is kept at its best as you’re pleased. Short hair can be easily managed, which awards you enough time to give attention to other beauty points, such as the lips, eyelashes, eyebrows, etc.
- Beyond bronzed skin:This is whereby you as a teen need to keep off makeup from your face. Avoid tanning your skin and go natural. In case you cannot do without makeup, use little makeup and for once look natural in this current trend. Remember that you can even look more beautiful without makeup! And too much of makeup can mess your skin for life.
- Use false eyelash: This is for the teenage girls which enable them to acquire long and thick eyelashes. In case you frequently experience eyelash loss issues, faking your eyelashes will make you stunningly beautiful. Eyelashes are meant to protect your eyes from foreign particles like dust and other pollutants. There is no harm in using false eyelashes because they will enhance your beauty and perform the other roles.
- Trim eye brows: Natural eyebrow at times overgrows and look shaggy. Avoid that look and cut them a bit to leave them even. Note that they should not be completely shave rather they should only be trimmed. In case you have thick eyebrows, there is no need for using makeup. Just leave them natural but cut to make you have the gorgeous look.
- Eagle talon tips: This involves your nails of which you are supposed to shape about the way your cuticles look. Avoid forming and the coloring which gives your nails an artificial look. Be natural all seasons and you will enjoy the beauty and freedom in your fingers and toes.
- Black lipstick: The black lipstick is not wrong but too difficult to get it off. Seek berry colored lipstick and any other pure lipstick products that as a teen won’t damage your lips or nag when removing.
- 3-D Nail Art: Teenage years should all be about going natural without the 3-D nail art. Maintain short and clean nails with nude color. This is pure, more beautiful and cheap to keep as a teen relying on your parents for your cosmetic needs. It is also a sign of how neat you are in your beauty routine.
- Oversize buns: Teens should avoid the over sized muffins but should instead opt just to look natural. This is not tiring as you prepare for an appointment since it will take you only a few minutes, and you are ready to go. Another advantage is that you can do it in person without having to incur expenses whenever you want your bun shaped.
The above 11 trends are very helpful to the teens. They act as a guide to make the teens know what is currently relevant and how they are supposed to look. As a teen, do not just enhance your beauty without considering what is trending since you will look outdated. You can seek help from other friends or cosmetic experts, and also, you can share this information with other teens. This will contribute to keeping most of the teens updated and save them from the weird looks people give when they are out of date.