Busting Top 5 Breast Augmentation Myths

There is no denying that breast augmentation today is becoming an increasingly popular trend in the U.S. Last year, it was the most common cosmetic surgical procedures with about 300,000 procedures and 35% up in the past fifteen years. However, as this surgical procedure increases in popularity, so do the myths that deter women annually from getting the procedure, which can help to boost their confidence and enhance their body contour.

Like any other surgical procedure, it is important that all patients who choose breast augmentation in Atlanta get accurate information about any surgical procedure they consider. Most of the myths arise from rare instances, outdated information or sensationalistic journalism. Keeping that in mind, here is a master list of the top five myths about breast augmentation you should know are not true.

1. Breast Implants Cause Autoimmune Diseases and Cancer

There are some anecdotal reports, which receive much media attentions, of patients claiming to have developed any health problems or diseases because of their breast implants. However, scientific studies including hundreds and thousands of women with implants from renowned experts such as Crispin Plastic Surgery refute an association between implants and autoimmune diseases. Some also claim that breast implants lead to cancer, but years of study fail to validate this theory. The implants available in the market today get approvals from FDA, and this marks them safe. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons also approves that implants are highly safe, including the much popular silicone gel implants.

The truth is that the previous generation of implants used in the early 1960’s did not undergo any form of extensive testing and data collection as the current implants in order to ascertain their effectiveness and safety.

2. Breast Augmentation or Implants are Not for Older Women

This is another common myth that most women get to hear. The truth is that women of any age are i

deal candidates for breast implants. It is advisable that any prospective patient should consider their options in details with their plastic surgeon first. There is no evidence available that says there is no reason why a 40-year-old woman should be an inferior candidate for breast implants compared to a 20-year-old.

3. Breast Implants are Dangerous during Breastfeeding

Women who choose to undergo breast augmentation when they are in their early 20’s and 30’s may have concerns about the potential risks for their baby and whether they should consider pregnancy or not. However, studies show that there is no medical risk for newborn babies whom women breastfeed with silicone or saline breast implants. With breast, implants there are no inherent risks that would make the surgery a contradiction to future pregnancies. This is because the operation involves dissection and incision of the breast tissue with a minor risk of effects on breastfeeding of nipple sensation. Plastic surgeons may use certain surgical techniques for the replacement of the breast implants to minimize the interference with breastfeeding and nipple sensation, including:

  • The use of an inflammatory incision in the breast fold (under the breast) or axiliary incision in the armpit rather than a periareolar incision, which is around the nipple
  • Choosing smaller implants to avoid the selection of wide dissections and limit the potential disruption of the nerves supplying nipple sensation
  • Placing the breast implants under the muscle (subpectoral) rather than sub glandular or under the breast

Note that it is also important to recall that some women who never undergo any form of breast surgery may not be able to breastfeed regardless due to some innate anatomical anomaly of the nipple or the milk ducts.

4. Mammography is Not Possible with Breast Implants

In this case, the truth is quite often the opposite. Patients who choose silicone breast implants tend to attain better results because of the use of the “displacement” technique, which involves an x-ray rather than the traditional compression method.

5. Women Can Choose ANY Cup Size

With several types of sizes and types of breast implants available currently on the market, there is indeed an enormous or endless range or possibilities from augmentation. Women can expect to obtain the exact size they desire from the surgery; however, this is not entirely predictable. This is mainly because of the vast variation in what cup size refers to for each manufacturer of the brassiere. For the most natural results, the chosen breast implants often match with the patient’s own breast dimensions as well as characteristics in terms of the diameter, width, and position on the chest wall.

When talking about sizes, placing a larger implant under a small and narrow breast will likely result in a palpable implant whose edges, turn out visible at the sides and top of the breast. Another consideration here is the actual weight of the implants, and the progressive stretch of the tissues due to the pressure of effect from the implants, and the downward pull of gravity. In the end, bigger is not always better when it comes to the selection of implants.

Breast augmentation surgery is a safe surgical procedure, but just as with other procedures, some risks may tag along with it. Taking your time to discuss with your local breast augmentation surgeon can help you to know the facts from the myths and prepare you for the surgery.

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