Tea tree oil is an essential oil derived from the tea tree also known as the Melaleuca tree. The native people of the lands, for thousands of years, have understood and believed in the usefulness of tea tree oil. For a few decades now, tea tree oil has gained massive popularity among the general masses of the world, thereby making it a highly favoured treatment for healing various types of skin and other ailments.
Take a look at the below mentioned 7 such amazing benefits of tea tree oil for skin.
- Warts – Undoubtedly warts are one of the most unpleasant skin issues faced by many all over the world. Warts are a result of a virus, and tea tree oil is a proven way to eliminate all sorts of viruses. Simply apply the oil to the affected area. In case if you experience any irritation, then dilute the tea tree oil with water. Apply daily till you see results.
- Wrinkles – One of the benefits of using tea tree oil is that it can make your skin look fresher and younger by combating wrinkles. Thanks to the loaded antioxidants, tea tree oil helps in countering the degradation of collagen in the skin, thereby unveiling a youthful looking skin.
- Tan – Are you fighting tan recently? If yes, then tea tree oil is a reliable source for bidding adieu to sun tan. Take one tomato, blend it in a mixer. Combine 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil with 4 drops of tea tree oil. Add the mixed oil to the mashed tomatoes. Now apply this mixture on your tanned skin daily to see results.
- Acne – If acne is popping out of nowhere on your skin, get hold of the tea tree oil. Since tea tree oil contains powerful anti-microbial properties, the oil does a fantastic job in treating mild to moderate acne. So stop wasting thousands of dollars trying to cure acne and instead fall back on tea tree oil for acne relief.
- Infections – Tea tree oil is very effective in healing skin infections and various cuts. Dilute two drops of tea tree oil and lavender oil in jojoba oil, apply the mixture on the infection or cut, and cover it with a bandage. Repeat this process daily to see positive results.
- Relief from razor burn – Another reason for applying tea tree oil on the skin is to avail relief from razor burns. By applying a small amount of tea tree oil to the burned area of the skin, you will feel immense relief almost instantaneously. Once you are done shaving, add a few drops of tea tree oil to two teaspoons of witch hazel, apply the mixture to the affected area using a cotton ball.
- Makeup remover – Lastly, if you are looking for something that helps you remove your makeup naturally, then tea tree oil it is. Add 10 drops of the tea tree oil with a quarter cup of olive oil, dip a cotton ball with the solution and sweep over the face.
About the Author
Harvey lives with his wife, daughter, and two golden retrievers in one of the many stone houses in Stamford, UK. He is a freelance writer and a content strategist with many top health and beauty product companies like Tagband: makers one of the most popular skin tag removal devices in UK. When he is not working he can be found sipping coffee in one of the cafe’s overlooking river Welland.