No matter what the reason is, tooth pain is never pleasant. Prolonged tooth pain that happens every time you eat or drink specific foods that are either hot or cold is a sign that something is wrong with your teeth.
Tooth pain felt by kids and small children after eating chocolate or some sweet candy are signs of teeth sensitivity. That pain is specifically termed as ‘Sugar Sensitivity’ by the paediatric dentists.
Wondering What is this sugar sensitivity? How to deal with sugar tooth sensitivity problems in children? How paediatric dentistry can help you in this? Read on to know everything.
What is Sugar Sensitivity?
Sugar sensitivity is a dental problem in which you feel a sharp pain whenever you eat something sugary. This sugar sensitivity is more common among children and they feel this pain when they eat chocolate, soft candy or some other sugary toffee.
This painful response is a sign that your child needs the attention of paediatric dentists. Familiarizing your child with dental practices from the start will help him maintain good oral care from the start. Maintaining good oral health will help your child avoid any other dental problems.
7 Causes of Sugar and Chocolate Sensitivity
Sugar sensitivity is usually a symptom of tooth decay and infection. Determining it’s cause can help you prevent these types of problems in the future. These are seven most common cause of sugar sensitivity:
1. The Enamel Loss
Enamel loss can result in tooth sensitivity. If you lose your enamel you will feel the sharp pain every time you eat hot and cold foods or consume sugary foods. Enamel is the outermost layer of the teeth, that protects the teeth against cavities and infection. If the enamel starts eroding, it will lead to tooth decay and infectious bacteria.
It’s important not to ignore these signs of tooth sensitivity, as prolonged ignorance towards teeth sensitivity can lead to major tooth infections.
2. Brushing too Hard
Avoid applying excess pressure when brushing your teeth as it can destroy your enamel. Once the enamel layer deteriorates you will start to suffer from sensitivity issues. Always choose a toothbrush with soft bristles and brush your teeth in a circular motion. Be very gentle and let the brush bristles clean your teeth on their own.
3. Avoid Acidic Foods & Beverages
Acidic foods and beverages are the main culprits behind enamel layer depletion. When this protection layer is no longer protecting your teeth you start to feel sensitivity pain.
Avoiding acidic foods like pickles, and carberries along with beverages like carbonated drinks and alcohol can prevent damage to your teeth.
4. Sugary Foods & Cavities
Not brushing, flossing or rinsing your mouth with a mouthwash after consuming sugary foods can lead to cavities. The sugary foods tend to stick with your teeth, providing a safe haven to infectious bacteria. These harmful bacteria start to multiply and cause tooth decay.
5. Damage to The Teeth
If a tooth is damaged it will become more sensitive to chocolate and other sugary foods. With no protection from the infectious bacteria, exposed nerve endings lead to tooth decay. Excess teeth grinding can also lead to tooth damage which can also cause sensitivity to chocolate.
6. Fake or Strong Teeth Whitening Treatments
Some instant teeth whitening treatments use very strong chemicals that are not suitable to use directly onto the surface of teeth. They may give you an instant pearly white smile for a short time, but they also cause greater harm in the long-run. Once the teeth get damaged they can easily fall prey to sharp pain felt after eating sugary foods.
7. Gum Disease
Consuming more and more sugary foods without proper oral care can lead to gum disease. If you are suffering from gingivitis or periodontitis then you must visit your dental surgeon ASAP.
Benefits of Regular Checkups with Paediatric Dentistry
- Regular visits will develop a habit of maintaining good oral care.
- The permanent teeth will come out without any problem.
- Your child will not experience tooth sensitivity, tooth decay and sharp pains.
- Good oral care also ensures a healthy stomach.
- Your child can eat a fair amount of sugary foods including chocolate and candy with regular checkups.
Eating Sugary Foods Without Hurting Your Teeth
Maintaining proper oral hygiene with regular brushing, flossing, and rinsing along with regular dental visits can help you avoid the sensitivity problem. There are many toothpaste marketing brands that claim to solve the sugar sensitivity problem, however these toothpaste only numb the pain.
Numbing the sensitivity pain for a longer period of time and not taking proper action can lead to oral diseases. It’s highly recommended that you visit your dentist at least once in 4-6 months, to know everything is fine with you.